
A collection of resources and information for concrete skills that are helpful when pursuing a PhD in computer science (specifically in ML/AI or related disciplines)

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In this section, we discuss computational technical skills (e.g., command-line expertise, server management, software packages).

What technical skills do you need expertise in, and how can you gain that expertise?

Guiding Questions

  1. What technical skills are essential? 1. What technical skills are nice-to-haves?
  2. How do you learn those technical skills?

Overall Commentary & Key Take-aways

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Specific Resources

  1. The Missing Semester of Your CS Education This course, availble for free online, summarizes a variety of essential/nice-to-have technical skills for pursuing a CS PhD, including Shell Scripting, Editors, Git, and others.

Interview Highlights

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Balancing Unstructured vs. Structured Learning?

Guiding Questions

  1. How much time do you spend on improving and refining basic technical skills purely for their own sake vs. doing research?

Overall Commentary & Key Take-aways

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Specific Resources

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Interview Highlights

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Effective Infrastructure Management for Academic Groups / Research Projects

Guiding Questions

  1. How do you manage servers for a lab?
  2. How can you be a helpful member of a lab/group when it comes to your usage of servers?
  3. What’s the best way to structure servers, learning environments, code, file folders, etc. for a new research project?

Overall Commentary & Key Take-aways

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Specific Resources

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Interview Highlights

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